Knob Noster State Park Camp Shawnee Cabins
A number of religious and civic organizations utilized the campgrounds since the opening of the park. When the park opened in the 1930s as part of the Montserrat Demonstration Area, the Camp that became Camp Shawnee was originally named Camp Redbird. By 1946 Camp Redbird was referred to as Camp Shawnee.
In 1946 the Henry County Democrat noted that sixty-five Clinton Camp Fire girls had registered to attend camp. In 1946 the camp had five units, which included a number of cabins, a director's cabin, an infirmary, and an arts building and a camp pool.
The Henry County Democrat noted the following in what appeared to be a promo recruiting piece to get more eligible girls from Henry County to attend the camp:
"Mothers, guardians and older girls will accompany the girls. There will be one mother for every four Bluebirds.
Sessions at Shawnee are the answer to the summer time need of girls for new adventure, and challenging opportunities to see and feel the loveliness of the out-of-doors. Let your daughter grow this summer in a Camp Fire Girls' camp. Register her for Shawnee. There are still a few vacancies.
Suggested equipment for the week: 3 camp suits (one white if possible), Camp Fire kerchief, socks, bathing suit and cap, pajamas, underwear, robe and slippers, sweater, raincoat, galoshes, soap, towels, wash clothes, 1 sheet, 3 woolen blankets, toliet articles in a box, notebook and pencils, flashlight, 2 pairs strong shoes, 1 pair slacks or jeans and post cards.
The address is Camp Shawnee, Route 3, Warrensburg, Missouri.